Pure Life
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International Dialog For Human Resources Development

اذهب الى الأسفل

International Dialog  For Human Resources Development Empty International Dialog For Human Resources Development

مُساهمة  Pure Life الخميس يناير 29, 2009 5:49 am

International Dialog

For Human Resources Development

Egypt Branch

How to Take Decisions as an Operation or Engineering Staff

Course Duration: 5 Days (21–25/03/2009)

Course Location: Cairo

Course fees: 2,850 $


This course examines lean thinking and techniques for decision analysis with emphasize on the lean approach and responsiveness to the customer requirements. Decision-making is the most central human activity, intrinsic in our biology and done both consciously and unconsciously. We need it to survive. Taking a decision is not just a question of selecting a best alternative. Often one needs to prioritize all the alternatives for resource allocation among a portfolio of option, or to examine the effect of changes introduced to initial judgments.

Course Objectives:

· Improve productivity through use of better, timelier information.

· Understand how world-class organizations Solve common asset management problems.

· Optimize planning and scheduling resources.

· Carry out optimized failure analyses.

· Optimize asset management budgets by the avoidance of unplanned equipment failures in Service.


· Operation and Maintenance Professionals.

· Key Operations Supervisors.

· Internal Improvement Consultants.

Course Outline


Introduction to Decision Making

· Scope and significance of Decisions.

· The Decision Making Process.

· Choosing Between Options by Projecting Likely Outcomes.

· Decision Tree Analysis: decision models; low probability, high consequence events; valuing additional information and control.

· Monte Carlo Simulation: optimization; advantages and limitations.

· Case Studies and Group Exercises.


Implementing Multiple Criteria

Decision Analysis

· Implementing Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis.

· How, and Why, Bad Decisions are Made.

· Definition of Decision Analysis.

· Problems with Traditional Methods.

· Guidelines for Good Decision Analysis.

The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)

· What is AHP?

· The Comparative Matrix.

· Consistency Analysis.

· Sensitivity Analysis.

· Benefit/Cost Analysis.

· Resources Allocation.

· Applications of the AHP (The Concorde Case, Maintenance Strategy, Highway planning).

· Case Studies and Group Exercises.


Risk Management through Failure

Mode & Effect Analysis (FMEA)

· Risk Mitigation.

· Fault Tree analysis.

· Risk Priority Number.

· The Criticality Matrix.

· Equipment Criticality Grading.

· Cases from Oil and Gas Industry and Others.

· Modeling Reliability of Systems.

· Series and Parallel Systems.

· The Redundancy Concept.

· Types of Redundancy.

· When to Use Redundancy.

MRP and ERP Systems

· What is ERP and how did it develop.

· What is MRP System?

· What is MRPII System?

· Planning and Control.

· The Bill of Materials.

· Master Production Schedule.

· Scope of Decisions.

· Case Studies and Group Exercises.


Optimum Performance Measure

· Challenges of Performance Measures.

· Performance Measures as a Continuous Improvement Process.

· Desirable Features in Maintenance Performance Measures.

· Best and Worst Practices in Performance Measures.

The Overall Equipment Effectiveness as a Source of Best Practice in Maintenance

· Advantages of OEE as an Improvement Program.

· Lean Maintenance through the Use of OEE.

· Analysis of the Six-Big Losses.

· Case Studies and Group Exercises.


The House of Quality

· Basics of design evaluation.

· How to convert the voice of the customer to engineering solutions for a better design.

· Apply the concept of House of Quality in practical cases.

Decision Analysis for Optimization of

Maintenance Activities

· How to get the most of your CMMS?

· Benefits that can result from CMMS.

· Optimum Decisions for Maintenance Policies.

· Unmet needs in Responsive Maintenance.

· Key Features of Next Generation Maintenance Systems.

· How to transform Data to Decisions.

· Examples of Approaches and Case Studies.

Best Regards,

Ms. Heba Gamal

Senior Training Coordinator

Tel: 002-02-22757195

Fax: 002-02-22704245

Email: Heba@dialogegypt.com

Website: www.dialogegypt.com

Pure Life
Pure Life

عدد الرسائل : 495
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/01/2009


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